All frontons - Page 478

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4834 frontons found
Page 478 on 484 • Frontons 4771 to 4780

Thumbnail 04006 Almería, Spain

04006 Almería, Spain Carrera Doctoral 27D

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5698)
Thumbnail Carr. del Barco 05634 Hoyos del Espino, Ávila Spain

Carr. del Barco 05634 Hoyos del Espino, Ávila Spain 25

1 photo
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Thumbnail 05635 Navarredonda de Gredos, Ávila Spain

05635 Navarredonda de Gredos, Ávila Spain Calle General Sanjurjo 37

Open-air single walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5704)
Thumbnail Av. de San Agustín 37005 Salamanca, Spain

Av. de San Agustín 37005 Salamanca, Spain 113

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5706)
Thumbnail C. Erabeta 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain

C. Erabeta 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain 11

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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Thumbnail C. Braulio Iriarte 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain

C. Braulio Iriarte 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain 62A

Left walled fronton
2 photos
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5708)
Thumbnail C. de Santiago 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain

C. de Santiago 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain 1

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5709)
Thumbnail 31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain

31700 Elizondo, Navarra Spain Calle los Alduides 5

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5710)
Thumbnail C. de la Magdalena 28770 Colmenar Viejo, Madrid Spain

C. de la Magdalena 28770 Colmenar Viejo, Madrid Spain 55

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5714)
Thumbnail Pista de frontó C/ de la Llacuna 08018 Barcelona, Spain

Pista de frontó C/ de la Llacuna 08018 Barcelona, Spain L cuna 172

Left walled fronton
1 photo
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⇒ More information about this fronton (#5715)

See also:

Playful Cow
Playful Cow - Arte Txikia

Instagram @FRONTONS_NET - Pascal BOURUT